Training mission International Atomic Energy Agency to Ukraine a great success

Hudson Cybertec, cyber security solution provider for the critical infrastructure, amongst the nuclear industry, delivered a cyber security expert as the trainer for the training mission of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to the Ukraine, during the first week of April. With some 50 participants, the training mission to the Ukraine was a big success.

International Atomic Energy Agency

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is an autonomous organization within the United Nations. The IAEA is an intergovernmental forum for scientific and technical collaboration in the field of nuclear technology and the peaceful use thereof. The IAEA frequently organizes cyber security training to countries that submit a request for that.

Within the timespan of a week, participants to these trainings will be informed of the activities of the IAEA in cyber security and the support the organization can give to the various member states. Trainings are gives by selected cyber security experts from the member states. The training in the Ukraine was delivered by a very experienced trainer of Hudson Cybertec.

The training mission

During the training many modules were given that elaborate on the specific cyber threat for nuclear installations. The participants received 

handles during the training, which they can use to improve the protection of their own digital infrastructure against adversaries. The training gives the participants insight into the technical, organizational and human factors on which a well-founded cyber security strategy is built, to keep its environments secure. The guidelines of the IAEA are central to this.

Positive result

The training was received very well by the participating organizations and all participants. Many participants claimed afterwards that the training helped the various organizational layers of the participating companies to gain more insight and mutual understanding for each other as well as for the threats for nuclear installations.

The participating organizations are delighted that Hudson Cybertec, through its delivery of the trainer for the IAEA training mission, made a significant contribution to increasing security of the nuclear installations in the Ukraine.

In de spotlight

Wet- en regelgeving zoals de aankomende Europese NIS2 directive (Network & Information Security) verplicht u aantoonbaar in controle te zijn over uw OT omgeving.

IEC 62443 norm

De IEC 62443 norm biedt uw organisatie handvatten voor het verbeteren van de digitale beveiliging en veiligheid van uw IACS-omgeving. Implementatie van de norm verbetert het cybersecurityniveau van de OT-/ICS-/SCADA-omgeving van uw organisatie.

De IEC 62443 is het internationale cybersecurity normenkader voor de operationele technologie (OT). Het kader bestaat uit een verzameling van normen, technische rapporten en gerelateerde informatie voor het beveiligen van Industrial Automation and Control Systems (IACS).

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Het IEC 62443 Competence Center van Hudson Cybertec heeft een zeer ruime ervaring met deze norm. Wij spelen een actieve rol in de ontwikkeling van de norm, in samenwerking met de NEN, dragen deze internationaal actief uit en hebben een trainingsprogramma ontwikkeld rondom de IEC 62443.

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Het wordt voor organisaties steeds belangrijker om aan te kunnen tonen dat de digitale security van de OT-omgeving in overeenstemming is met normenkaders. Het is dan ook mogelijk om (delen) van uw IACS-omgeving te certificeren volgens de IEC 62443.

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Wanneer u meer wilt weten over deze norm en behoefte heeft aan training voor het toepassen ervan binnen uw eigen organisatie of bij uw opdrachtgevers, dan heeft Hudson Cybertec een aantal zeer interessante trainingen voor u.

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De IEC 62443 norm biedt organisaties handvatten voor het verbeteren van de digitale beveiliging en veiligheid van OT-/ICS-/SCADA-omgevingen.

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