Hudson Cybertec and Kiwa join forces

Starting this summer, cybersecurity expert Hudson Cybertec and testing, inspection and certification specialist Kiwa and are partnering to offer global training programs on the cybersecurity of Operational Technology (OT). Hudson Cybertec has been part of the Kiwa Group since last year and both companies complement each other seamlessly in terms of security and certification services. Now, their collaboration is being intensified in the field of training.

The training offerings focus on the cybersecurity of Operational Technology, as found in industries, infrastructure and energy and utility companies, among others. According to Marcel Jutte, Managing Director at Hudson Cybertec, these types of organizations are increasingly targeted by cybercriminals. ‘OT systems control and monitor the infrastructure that is essential to a company’s primary processes. This means that a security incident can lead to operational disruptions, reputational damage, financial losses and even dangerous situations for people and the environment.’

Security strategy
To mitigate cyber risks and in anticipation of new EU directives, such as the NIS2 from October 2024 and later the Cyber Resilience Act, it is essential to protect Operational Technology against cyberattacks and malware. Marcel Jutte explains, ‘This can be achieved through a robust security strategy, including access controls, network segmentation, patch management and threat monitoring. An effective cybersecurity program ensures the integrity, optimal availability, and confidentiality of OT systems, thereby guaranteeing operational continuity for the organization.’

Subject matter expert
For over ten years, Hudson Cybertec has been supporting organizations worldwide in securing their OT systems. Jutte states: ‘We are internationally recognized as subject matter experts. One of the guiding principles is the IEC 62443 series of standards, specifically designed to ensure OT cybersecurity with a structured approach to develop and implement cybersecurity measures, particularly in industrial environments. The IEC 62443 is utilized by a wide range of public and private organizations, including operators of wet and dry infrastructures, industrial and building control systems, manufacturers and system integrators.’

IEC 62443 training
According to Jutte, well-trained individuals are crucial for a robust OT security strategy. ‘Participating in IEC 62443 training helps organizations understand the best practices for cybersecurity in the OT domain. This is essential for designing, implementing and maintaining security solutions that comply with the standard. Moreover, organizations that educate and certify their employees according to IEC 62443 demonstrate to their customers and stakeholders that they take cybersecurity seriously and are committed to protecting their OT against threats.’

Trainingen in Cyber Security voor Operationele Technologie

Joined forces
Kiwa has offices in over forty countries and is increasingly becoming a recognized global player in the field of cybersecurity. In 2022, Kiwa was designated by the IECEE to perform certifications as part of the IEC 62443 series of standards. While Kiwa was already partially accredited, the accreditation has now been expanded to include more parts of the standard. To qualify for this designation, Kiwa underwent IECEE audits for Certification Body Testing Laboratory (CBTL) and National Certification Body (NCB). Kiwa is active not only in OT environments but also as a well-known player in the international cyber arena when it comes to smart consumer electronics (IoT) and IT management systems (ISO 27001).

Global training locations
For years Hudson Cybertec has been successfully providing “open enrollment” and in-company training programs on IEC 62443, both in the Netherlands and abroad. Jutte concludes, ‘Thanks to this collaboration, starting from July 1st, we have everything we need to serve our participants, wherever they may be, together with Kiwa. Our training locations in the Netherlands will be expanded with facilities in Apeldoorn and Woerden and outside the Netherlands, we currently have training facilities in Germany, Sweden, Finland and Norway. It goes without saying that more countries will follow.’

International exams
To demonstrate their knowledge, participants can undergo examinations. An important new development is that the exams can now be taken outside the Netherlands, giving the exam certificate international recognition. The exams are administered by the globally operating examination body IBEX. Tom Huiskamp, Unit Manager at IBEX, is enthusiastic about the collaboration: ‘We offer the opportunity to conduct international exams and are very excited about this partnership. Cybersecurity is crucial for many sectors in our society and we are pleased to assess candidates’ knowledge and skills.’

Comprehensive cybersecurity training package
Jeroen den Otter, Unit Manager at Kiwa Training & Development, is also pleased that Hudson Cybertec and Kiwa are collaborating intensively on training programs and examinations related to OT cybersecurity. ‘It is a wonderful addition to our training portfolio, which includes not only training programs for Operational Technology but also courses on ISO 27001 and specialized training programs for information security in the healthcare sector. We are continuously expanding our training portfolio in the field of cybersecurity.’

Im Rampenlicht

Das Monitoring Ihrer OT-Umgebung ist unerlässlich. Sie wissen, was in Ihrem Netzwerk vor sich geht, und Sie können sehen, in welcher Ausprägung Sie verschiedene Cybersicherheitsstandards und -gesetze erfüllen.

Norm IEC 62443

Die Norm IEC 62443 bietet Ihrer Organisation einen Leitfaden zur Verbesserung der digitalen Sicherheit und der Sicherheit Ihrer IACS-Umgebung. Die Umsetzung der Norm verbessert das Cybersicherheitsniveau der OT-/ICS-/SCADA-Umgebung Ihrer Organisation.

Die IEC 62443 ist die internationale Cybersicherheit-Normenreihe für Operational Technology (OT). Das Rahmenwerk besteht aus einer Sammlung von Normen, technischen Berichten und zugehörigen Informationen zur Sicherung von industriellen Automatisierungs- und Steuerungssystemen (IACS).


Das IEC 62443 Kompetenzzentrum von Hudson Cybertec verfügt über umfangreiche Erfahrungen mit dieser Norm. Wir haben eine aktive Rolle bei der Entwicklung der Norm inne, fördern sie aktiv auf internationaler Ebene und haben ein Schulungsprogramm rund um die IEC 62443 entwickelt.


Für Organisationen wird es immer wichtiger, dass sie nachweisen können, dass die digitale Sicherheit der OT-Umgebung der Normenreihe entspricht. Es ist daher möglich, (Teile) Ihrer IACS-Umgebung nach IEC 62443 zu zertifizieren.


Wenn Sie mehr über diese Norm erfahren möchten und eine Schulung benötigen, um sie in Ihrer eigenen Organisation oder bei Ihren Auftraggebern anzuwenden, bietet Hudson Cybertec Ihnen einige sehr interessante Schulungen an.


Die Norm IEC 62443 bietet Organisationen Handreichungen zur Verbesserung der digitalen Sicherheit und der Sicherheit von OT-/ICS-/SCADA-Umgebungen.


Wenn Sie mit der Norm IEC 62443 beginnen möchten, ist es ratsam, diese zu erwerben. NEN hat für Sie das NEN Connect-Paket IEC 62443: Industrial Automation zusammengestellt.


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