NEN and Hudson Cybertec sign Agreement on Training Platform Cyber Security

NEN and Hudson Cybertec signed an agreement to commit themselves to improve the cyber security of industrial systems. By bringing together the strengths of both parties, they form a new training platform for cyber security in industrial and technical IT environments. In the near future it will also allow participants to be examined by NEN on their knowledge of cyber security and protection of critical infrastructures.

The complexity and the degree of automation of technical installations is continuously increasing. The digitization of our society has revolutionized the way we use information. Organizations are becoming more dependent on IT and the Internet of Things is growing exponentially. The primary processes, controlled by Industrial Automation & Control Systems, have become increasingly vulnerable to cyber attacks. Therefore, it is important that organizations are aware of cyber risks that may arise and are capable to protect their critical infrastructures.

Marcel Jutte (left) and Marc Klumper


Marcel Jutte, Managing Director Hudson Cybertec: “The training we offer is open to everyone, regardless of the level of knowledge about cyber security of the primary processes. It gives the participant a solid foundation for managing cyber security within his/her organization. The training is characterized by the many interactive components and practical exercises and fully consistent with what is important to employees who are involved in cyber security within the Industrial Automation & Control Systems (IACS) domain.”

The three-day course is available in two versions: for ‘end users’ and for ‘system integrators’. Participants are trained to become IEC 62443 Security Professionals who can immediately apply their newly acquired knowledge in accordance with IEC 62443 and governmental regulations.
The focus of the training is on the practical use of the IEC 62443 standard, the global standard for protection of Industrial Automation & Control Systems.

Marc Klumper, Manager Product Management NEN: “By cooperating with Hudson Cybertec we emphasize the importance of cyber security and standards in industrial plants. Hudson Cybertec has a strong position in the market with the training of both ‘end users’ and ‘system integrators’. In addition, the trainers of Hudson Cybertec are distinguished from others by the combination of profound domain-specific knowledge, extensive experience in cyber security and broad expertise in industrial and technical automation. We are very proud that we can add this training to our portfolio.”

About NENNEN supports the standardization process in The Netherlands and manages over 31.000 standards. Those are the international (ISO, IEC), European (EN) and national (NEN) standards accepted in The Netherlands. NEN is a knowledge network in the world of standards and regulations in the Netherlands. As a non-profit organization it brings parties together to jointly applicable agreements and facilitates its implementation.
In addition, NEN also initiated the Industrial Cyber Security platform which provides a professional network of specialists. The aim of the platform is to strengthen the awareness of vulnerability and associated security risks within the Dutch industry and other users.


Over NEN

NEN is in Nederland hét toonaangevende kennisnetwerk in de wereld van normen en regelgeving. NEN beheert ruim 31.000 normen. Dit zijn de in Nederland aanvaarde internationale (ISO, IEC), Europese (EN) en nationale normen (NEN). Als non-profitorganisatie brengt NEN belanghebbende partijen bij elkaar om gezamenlijk toepasbare afspraken te maken en faciliteert de implementatie hiervan, waaronder ook de IEC 62443 normenreeks. Naast het publiceren van normen, richtlijnen en publicaties, biedt NEN ook trainingen aan over de toepassingen van normen in de praktijk.

Daarnaast heeft NEN ook het platform ‘Industrial Cyber Security’ opgericht dat een professioneel netwerk van specialisten biedt. Doel van het platform is het versterken van de bewustwording van kwetsbaarheid met bijbehorende veiligheidsrisico’s binnen de Nederlandse industrie en overige gebruikers.

In the spotlight

Monitoring your OT environment is essential. You know what is happening on your network and see to what extent you are compliant with various cyber security standards and laws and regulations.

IEC 62443 Standard

The IEC 62443 standard offers your organization tools to improve the digital security and safety of your IACS environment. Implementation of the standard improves the cybersecurity level of your organization's OT / ICS / SCADA environment.

The IEC 62443 is the international cybersecurity standards framework for operational technology (OT). The framework consists of a collection of standards, technical reports and related information for securing Industrial Automation and Control Systems (IACS).

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Hudson Cybertec’s IEC 62443 Competence Center has extensive experience with this standard. We play an active role in the development of the standard, actively promote it internationally and have developed a training program around the IEC 62443.

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It is becoming increasingly important for organizations to be able to demonstrate that the digital security of the OT environment is in accordance with standards frameworks. It is therefore possible to certify (parts of) your IACS environment according to IEC 62443.

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If you want to know more about this standard and need training on how to apply it within your own organization or at your clients, Hudson Cybertec has a number of very interesting training courses for you.

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The IEC 62443 standard provides organizations with tools to improve the digital security and safety of OT / ICS / SCADA environments.

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